Why you should never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row
On a good pair of shoes you can make the necessary steps. The better you take care of them, the longer they will last. It may sound logical. But did you know that it is also important that the max. of wearing your shoes is every other day. A pair of shoes that you have worn all day, need some time so recover. There will always draw some moisture into the leather and because of wearing them your shoes will be smoother and more flexible than when you putted them on. The leather needs some time to get back into his original state and that doesn’t work in one night. When you don’t give your shoes the rest, they will be worn out faster. So make sure you have at least two pairs of shoes to alternate with. When starting your shoe collection it may seem a big investment, but on the long run It will actually save you money.
And don't forget
After taking of your shoes, always put a pair of cedar shoe trees in them, because they will need it!