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Clothing brushes & care

Certain clothing loses its vibrant colours because of attracted dust which attaches itself to the fibres of the piece. With a luxurious cloth brush, you can brush off the dust and restore your clothing's original vibrant colour.

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Specialist clothing care for at home

We all wash our clothes, but some garments require more attention than others. That is why we have specialist clothing care from The Laundress in our range. Take the wool & cashmere shampoo, for example. Normally you wash wool & cashmere as little as possible to keep the fabric beautiful, but with The Laundress wool & cashmere shampoo, you can still wash your cashmere garments once every so often.

Clothing brushes

What about the clothes you don't wash yourself? What about your suits, for example, you ask? It is best to keep them free of dust between visits to the dry cleaner with a good clothes brush. This removes dust and other fluff so that your suit looks fresh for longer. Is there an annoying crease in your suit or shirt? Then try The Laundress crease release. With this, you reduce the wrinkles in your clothes in an instant.

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