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Shoe care advice

Do you need advice on how to clean your shoes? Do you want to know which cream to use, how to give them a high gloss finish? Ask your shoe care questions to our experts via WhatsApp or email. Just send us a quick photo of your shoes, together with your question and we'll get back to you within a day. That's it. No strings attached. For questions regarding order statuses, or shipping please contact us through email.

Did you also check our how to guides? Not sure how to take good care of your shoes and leather articles? Our shoe care experts gladly explain through a series of guides! Is the treatment not working out for you? Our experts gladly help you out with any shoe care related question you might have. Get in touch via our contact page. Or send us a message via WhatsApp. (Button below).

Speedy advice from our shoe care experts

Have specific questions regarding the care of your shoes? Our experts are here to help you. Simply send us a picture of the problem and our experts can usually help you out on the spot.

WhatsApp us

Our shoe care guides

Not sure how to best take care of your leather shoes? Our experts have written a bunch of handy guides for you. Each guide explains not only how you can best take care of your shoes, but also which products to use. Have a more specific question? Ask our shoe shine experts for advice.

Basic shoe care guide

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