At The Shoe Care Shop we care about your shoes. With a small team of shoe enthusiasts we dedicate ourselves to shoe care and shoe shining. We have shined well over 2000 pairs of shoes at our workshop in Amsterdam, making sure our customers shoes look as good as they can. The shoe shine guides and product information on our website are written from these experiences as well so you can assure that our advice is tried and true.
Professional shoe shine service
What can you expect?
We offer a range of different shoe shine programs, none of which is a quick 10 minute shoe shine. Our shoe shines entail taking off all of the old shoe polish on the shoes. That way we start with a blank canvas which we will then fully nourish. Afterwards, we will fully reshine the shoes to a level of glossiness you desire. If needed we put in new laces as well. On avarage our shoe shines require around 1.5 / 2 hours of work to complete. Our shoe shines start at €45 and go up all the way into the €200+ range depending on your wishes.
Sending us your shoes
Are you interested in using our shoe shine service? Please make sure to send us an email at with the following information to get a personal quote:
• Your name + full address
• Your wishes for the shoes
• Include images of the shoes that show the issues / damages you wish to have us work on.
After receiving your email we will get back to you within 5 workdays with a price quote. We will also discuss if there any faults on the shoes we might not be able to fully restore/camouflage.
Shipping your shoes to our workshop
Shipping your shoes to us is at your own risk. We recommend you use a shipping method with insurance and package them well to avoid damages during transfer. After your shoes are finished we will ship them back to you (return shipping rate is included in the quoted price). We will make sure to insure them as well. Please note that at no point we take responsibility over what happens during shipping.
Examples of our work

Our office
Johannes Vermeerplein
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 2611 746
Please contact us before your visit to make an appointment. We are not available for walk-ins. Looking to buy a specific product? Make sure to let us know.