This guide explains in a few simple steps how to clean up your suede shoes. We use only the best quality product made by Saphir, that way we get the best results and avoid having the lovely material on your suede and nubuck shoes affected negatively. In this guide we mostly talk about suede shoes, but please note that the treatment for nubuck shoes is exactly the same.
Stain removal and built up dirt
Suede shoes are easily cleaned with Saphir Médaille d'Or Gommadin – a sandstone that won’t harm or damage the suede. It will, however, remove grease and other stains. By gently rubbing the suede with the Gommadin block, it will detach stains and sticky substances from the suede. That way the ‘eraser’ will remove soiling, stains, grease and watermarks from you shoes while restoring the leather’s original texture. If you have a stain on your suede shoes, all you need to do is rub it with the Gommadin until the stain slowly disappears.
Washing suede shoes
Eventhough people often think suede shouldn't get wet, the best way to clean your suede shoes is to wash them. We recommend using Saphir Médaille d'Or Omninettoyant– a special shampoo for suede, nubuck, crepe and textiles that will remove stains and refresh the original colour without affecting the suede material.
Mix 1/5 part Omninettoyant with 4/5 parts water, and rub the mixture royally into the leather with the included brush. When you are done washing the shoes, you need to rinse them off with water. Use a small brush or your hands to remove soap residues. Brush until the suede doesn’t foam anymore. Afterwards, leave your shoes to dry completely. Put some shoe trees in the shoes to maintain their shape. Don’t try to quicken the process by putting your shoes on top of the radiator or other source of heat since that can damage and dry out the suede. When they are dry, use a crêpe brush to restore the natural look of the suede and brush the hairs of the suede in the same direction for a nice, smooth look.
Protect and waterproof
Use a spray based on natural ingrediënts to waterproof your suede shoes. A good universal waterproofing spray we recommend is Saphir Médaille d'Or Natural Protector spray. This spray is waterbased and therefore suitable for almost any material. Try to stay away from nano or silicone based sprays because they will dry out and therefore damage the leather in the long run. Apply the spray evenly, holding the can approx 15 cm from the shoes while applying to get an even spread over the entire shoe. Don’t forget the area where the sole meets the upper, as this is an area most exposed to water and dirt. Let the spray settle on the shoes for about 30 minutes. If you have never treated the shoes before, we recommend spraying them twice.
Suede guide
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